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Reaping the Rewards of a Regular Yoga Practice

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that has been practiced for centuries. It is a great way to improve physical and mental health, with numerous benefits for the body and mind. 

Regular yoga practice can help to reduce physical and mental stress, improve flexibility, and build strength and endurance. It can also help to improve balance and coordination, reduce risk of injury, and improve blood circulation. 

Furthermore, yoga can also help to improve posture, reduce back pain, and improve kidney and liver function. With all these benefits, it’s no wonder that yoga is becoming increasingly popular. 

Starting a regular yoga practice can be a great way to improve your physical and mental health, while also allowing you to relax and take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.  For example, a simple 15-minute session of yoga can help to improve flexibility and reduce stress. Additionally, yoga can also help to lower blood pressure and heart rate. It can also help to improve focus and concentration, making it a great way to improve overall mental well-being.

 To start a regular yoga practice, it is important to set aside a regular time each day to do yoga. It is also important to find the right environment and resources. This could be a local studio, an online class, or even a yoga DVD. Finally, it is important to choose poses that are suitable for your level of experience and physical fitness.

7 Steps to Starting Your Yoga Journey:

1. Set a consistent schedule: Make sure to allocate a specific time each day for your yoga practice. Consistency is key to reaping the benefits of yoga. Plan a time that works best for you, whether it’s early morning to kickstart your day or in the evening to wind down before bed.

2. Create a peaceful environment: Find a quiet and comfortable space in your home where you can practice without any distractions. Clear the area of any clutter and consider adding calming elements, such as candles or soft lighting, to set the mood.

3. Start slow and gradually progress: As a beginner, it’s important to start with beginner-friendly poses and gradually work your way up to more advanced ones. This will help you build a strong foundation, prevent injuries, and improve your overall flexibility and strength over time.

4. Take advantage of resources: If you’re unsure about how to start or what poses to practice, there are a plethora of resources available to you. Consider joining a local yoga studio where you can attend classes led by experienced instructors. Alternatively, there are numerous online platforms and mobile apps that offer guidance and tutorials for all levels.

5. Embrace the process: Remember that yoga is not just about achieving a specific pose or goal; it’s a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. Embrace each step of the process, be patient with yourself, and focus on the progress you make rather than perfection.

6. Listen to your body: Pay close attention to how your body feels during each pose. While challenge and discomfort can be part of the practice, it’s important to listen to your body’s limits and adjust accordingly. Never force yourself into a pose that feels painful or causes injury.

7. Stay motivated with a yoga buddy or community: Find a friend or join a yoga group to keep each other accountable and motivated. Engaging with a like-minded community can provide encouragement, inspiration, and support throughout your yoga journey.

Here is a great online yoga course for beginners and those wanting to start a yoga routine at home.

4 Day challenge to start your YOGA journey – with Nathalie Stemper

Kick-start your Yoga Journey in ONLY 20 minutes per day!

Learn the basics to safely start your yoga journey today!

What’s included:

* Improve your mobility and flexibility thanks to yoga movement and postures.

* Easily remove tension in your neck, shoulders and back.

* Learn a simple yet powerful breathing technique

* Guided Yoga practice with Nathalie

In this course you will:

– Learn tricks and tips to improve your mobility and flexibility

– Find out how to easily remove tension in your neck, shoulders and back

– Learn an amazingly simple yet powerful breathing technique that will calm your mind in just 5 minutes

– practice together with Nathalie and find out how 20 minutes is more than enough time spent on your mat when your sequences are carefully curated, so you can get the most out of your practice and your time!

Now you can learn all you need to know to safely start practicing yoga having to spend hours on your mat!

Remember, the benefits of yoga extend beyond the physical. It’s not just about achieving poses, but also about finding balance, inner peace, and a deeper connection with yourself. Trust the process, believe in your capabilities, and enjoy the transformative journey that yoga offers.

To find out more about the 4 Day Challenge – click here


** please note that this article contains affiliate links

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7 Ways to Soothe your Shyness

Shy people instinctively know that they are missing out. Shyness equals lost opportunities, less pleasure and fewer social connections. Shyness can be crippling but there are tried and tested ways to make it a thing of the past.

When I was fifteen I was shy. I recall an attractive girl attempting to engage me in conversation. My shyness made me focus on me instead of her. I heard my own voice but not hers and I thought about what I was trying to say instead of what she was trying to say.

The formula for shyness is “too much focus on the self” plus anxiety. To make it even more unpleasant, sometimes when you are feeling shy you experience physical sensations which ‘hijack’ your calm logical self.

My pulse raced, my mouth dried up and I felt like the village idiot! I couldn’t think what to say so I said nothing apart from making barely audible grunting noises! Cary Grant eat your heart out! When I detected pity in her eyes (or was it contempt, or boredom) I mumbled my excuse and got out of there. I hated being shy and was determined to change it.

How shyness is developed and maintained

Shyness really is a combination of social anxiety and social conditioning. To overcome shyness you need to learn to relax socially. This enables you to direct your attention away from yourself and gives you the space to practice certain conversational skills. In most cases, the heightened emotions of socializing when young simply condition the sufferer to respond to social events with fear, instead of excitement and pleasure.

Relaxed socializing is so pleasurable, not to say productive, but it is an advantage denied to many until they learn to relax. To start reducing your own shyness, I want you to absorb the following tips and ideas and start to put them into practice:

1) Think about the way you feel and behave around familiar people you are comfortable and spontaneous around. It’s that feeling transferred to new people and situations that equates to your emerging social confidence.

2) Focus your attention away from yourself. Sure, you can think a little bit about how you are coming across, but if all your focus is on your own words and feelings then you might as well be by yourself. Notice what other people are wearing and make a mental note, listen to their conversation, imagine where they might live, make a point of remembering names. Not only does this give you more to talk about, it also ‘dilutes’ social anxiety leaving you feeling calmer.

3) Ask people open questions. Many people like to talk about themselves and will find you interesting if you find them interesting. Ask questions that require more than a ‘yes’/’no’ response such as ‘What do you like about this place?’ rather than: ‘Do you like this place?’ Once they’ve answered use ‘add-on’ questions connected to the first such as: ‘What other places do you like in this city.?’ Next you can express your views. This is a great way to get the conversation going. If the conversation doesn’t ‘take’ then no matter, you’ve done your bit.

4) Stop trusting your imagination so much! Have you ever had an imaginary picture in your mind of a holiday destination only to arrive and find the reality is different from the way you had imagined? That’s how reliable imagination is. Stop imagining what others think. I do lots of public speaking and I’ve long since stopped trying to second guess what others think of me – it’s just too painful. Besides, what a person thinks about you has a lot more to do with who they are than who you are.

5) Stop using ‘all or nothing’ thinking. The ‘completely this/completely that’ style of thought occurs when you are emotional. People who are depressed, angry or anxious see reality in terms of differing extremes, simplistic all or nothing terms. An angry person is ‘right’ and you are ‘wrong’; the depressed person feels like a ‘failure’ while others are a ‘success’. In reality, life is composed of infinite gray areas. So stop fearing that you might say the ‘wrong’ thing! Or that people will ‘hate’ you. Once you start to relax more socially you’ll notice much less black or white thinking because anxiety actually causes you to think in all or nothing terms.

6) Take your time. You don’t have to blurt things out. Ask questions and if questions are asked of you can take time to consider your response (within reason). Don’t just blurt out what you think might be the ‘right’ answer. A slow answer is a relaxed answer.

7) Finally, use hypnotic rehearsal. Hypnosis is the quickest way to change your instinctive/emotional response to any situation. Only think about meeting others when your mind and body is relaxed. This conditions you to associate relaxation with being around new people. In fact you’ll find that when you relax deeply enough often enough whilst hypnotically rehearsing being comfortable around others you’ll reach the point where you just can’t be shy any more! This is what I call a ‘happy inability!’

I now love meeting new people and suspect that my current social confidence would be unrecognizable to my fifteen year old self.

Overcome shyness now at

Article by Mark Tyrrell of Hypnosis

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Defeating Imposter Syndrome: Overcoming the Fear of Fraud

According to one study, about 70% of all people have felt like an imposter at some point in their lives. It’s like being stuck in a loop of self-doubt, where no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get out of it. It’s like a hamster running on a wheel, getting nowhere fast.

Section 1: Understanding Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is a phenomenon in which individuals doubt their accomplishments and skills, and feel like they don’t belong. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and fear of failure. It is important to identify these feelings and take steps to address them in order to overcome Imposter Syndrome.

Imposter Syndrome refers to the internal experience of self-doubt, where individuals believe they are not as competent as others perceive them to be. Despite success in education, experiences, or accomplishments, those affected by Imposter Syndrome tend to feel plagued by chronic feelings of fraud, incompetence, and inadequacy. For instance, an individual may feel like their success is a fluke, or that they are only successful because they have been overly lucky.

Section 2: Who is Affected?

Imposter Syndrome can affect anyone, but it is often experienced by high-achieving individuals. Those who constantly question their abilities, fear being discovered as imposters, and believe that their successes are merely a result of “timing” or “good luck” are prone to this phenomenon. It is not limited to a particular gender, age group, or profession. Imposter Syndrome can cause feelings of anxiety, depression, and even career stagnation. It is important to recognize and address it in order to manage it effectively.

Seeking help from a professional can help to identify the source of the issue, as well as provide strategies for overcoming it. Additionally, talking to others who have dealt with similar issues can be beneficial in understanding how to best cope with it.

Junot Díaz, a Dominican-American writer, wrote: “But if these years have taught me anything it is this: you can never run away. Not ever. The only way out is in.”

Section 3: The Impact and Cost

Living with Imposter Syndrome takes a toll on one’s mental and emotional well-being. The ongoing anxiety of being exposed as a fraud can lead to a constant state of stress. Individuals may over-prepare or work excessively hard, trying to “make sure” that nobody discovers their perceived incompetence. The fear of failure looms large and can hinder personal and professional growth. This anxiety can also cause individuals to become overwhelmed and to suffer from low self-esteem. It can also lead to a lack of self-confidence and a fear of taking risks. The impact of imposter syndrome can be profound; it can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and hopelessness. It can make individuals feel as if they are not worthy of success or recognition and can prevent them from taking risks or trying new things. It can also lead to a decrease in productivity and a decrease in overall happiness.

Section 4: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Recognizing and addressing Imposter Syndrome is the first step towards overcoming it. Here are a few strategies that can help individuals break free from the grip of self-doubt:

1. Embrace your achievements: Acknowledge your accomplishments and give yourself credit for your hard work. You have earned your success through your skills and efforts.

2. Challenge negative thoughts: Challenge the negative beliefs that fuel Imposter Syndrome. Remember that perfection is not attainable, and making mistakes is a part of the learning process.

3. Seek support: Reach out to a trusted friend, mentor, or therapist who can provide guidance and support. Sharing your feelings and experiences with others can help alleviate the burden of Imposter Syndrome.

4. Celebrate progress: Instead of fixating on perceived failures, celebrate your progress and growth. Recognize that everyone makes mistakes, and it is through these experiences that we learn and improve.

According to Winston Churchill, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”


Imposter Syndrome is a common internal struggle faced by many individuals, often silently. By understanding the nature of Imposter Syndrome and implementing strategies to overcome it, we can break free from the fear of being discovered as a fraud. By doing this we can finally believe in ourselves and embrace our true potential. In our workplaces, we need to foster a culture of open discussion, where individuals are supported to feel confident in their abilities. Remind yourself and others to focus on successes and recognize accomplishments, no matter how small. Finally, we need to practice self-compassion and be kind to ourselves when we make mistakes.

Remember, you are capable, deserving, and worthy of your achievements. Let go of self-doubt and step into your greatness. Show yourself the respect and love you deserve and remember that you can always grow and evolve.

It’s like facing a dragon: the first step is admitting it exists, then gathering the courage to tackle it head-on. With determination and drive, you can slay the beast.


Winston Churchill quote (

[1] N. (2020, October 7). Imposter Syndrome: How to Overcome the Fear of Being Discovered as a Fraud. Retrieved from

[2] J. (2020, June 15). How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Believe in Yourself. Retrieved from

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